Document weight
We do not recommend importing files larger than 10 MB into Lodel.
Excessive file size can be caused by a number of things, including overly large images and the file format.
If the file contains images, it may be necessary to reduce their size; you can do this using image processing software such as Photoshop or the GIMP – but be sure to follow the image processing guidelines as much as possible.
Here is also a possible method to reduce the weight of images in Word:
- In your document, right-click on an image -> “Format image…”
- In the “image” tab of the window that opened, click on the compress button and check the following options:
- “Apply to all images in the document”
- “Change resolution: Web site/Screen”
- “Compress images”.
- “Delete the cropping areas of the images”.
- Click on OK, a warning window will open, click on “Apply”.
- Save your file. It will weigh much less.
If the file weight is still too high, check that the file type is .docx. Indeed, the .docx format allows you to compress images, unlike other formats such as RTF.
Be careful, even if it has the .docx extension, a file may have been saved in another format and then simply renamed to .docx. In Word, you can check the file format in the menu File > Properties. If the “Type” line shows something other than Microsoft Word […] document (e.g. RTF Document format), this means that the document was not saved as a .docx file: save it again as a .docx file, using “save as”. Its weight should now be less important.
Featured Image: Michal Jarmoluk de Pixabay. Pixabay License
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Gwenn Dossmann (October 4, 2022). Document weight. OpenEdition Journals Support - Lodel 1. Retrieved September 10, 2024 from