Inserting multimedia files

Media files can be inserted on the OpenEdition Journals and OpenEdition Books platforms.

Media (remote files) can be displayed in the body of an article. An example of use can be found in this article:

Inserting media in the body of an article

To insert media in an article, you must insert a tag in the body of the styled text. This indicates to Lodel the position of the media in the text.

Available tags fo each supported media :

👉 The identifier must contain only single alphanumeric characters (no accents, no spaces, no special characters), dashes “-” and underscores “_” are permitted.

These tags should be placed in a dedicated paragraph and styled as “Normal” or “Appendix”.

Then import the styled Word document into Lodel.

The video placed as an attachment will be inserted in the article in place of the tag « ».

Then, edit the article in Lodel and select the desired media in the “attached documents” block:

Remote files

  • Remote image placed in appendix
  • Remote video placed in appendix
  • Remote sound document attached

The “Attachments” block allows you to attach remote files.

Remote file editing form

The content types available in the “Remote files” menu are used to describe image, sound and video media deposited on an external hosting platform.

The following fields are available (fields preceded by an asterisk are mandatory):

  • *Title: is displayed as an illustration title
  • *Object: you must paste here the embed code (html) provided by the external hosting platform (list of authorized platforms below). It is usually found through the links: share this video, integrate, share or embed.
  • 👉 It is neither the url, nor the permalink!
  • Description
  • Thumbnail : the thumbnail is an image that could be used in the layout at the level of the summary of the section for example to give an overview of the media. It is an image file in gif, jpg or png format.
  • Caption : is displayed as a caption illustration.
  • Date of publication: it will be filled in by default on the day of creation of the entity, but it can be modified.
  • *Permalink : This is the url of the page displaying the media on the hosting platform. This link is displayed under the media inserted in the page. It is important because it is more reliable in time than the HTML code used in the “Object” field. Moreover, if the reader does not accept the deposit of cookies, the media will not be displayed in the page but this link will allow him to access the resource anyway.
  • url of the media : this is the url of the audio or video file itself (for example mp3 or mp4). There is no direct use of this url for the moment, but it could be useful in the future.
  • Author
  • Credits
  • License
  • *Identifier: specify here exactly the same identifier as the one indicated in the article.
    • tag in the source file:
    • identifier to be filled in the form : lacourse

Authorized platforms for hosting media

The platforms hosting the media are likely to deposit cookies during the consultation of the OpenEdition pages in which they are inserted. These services are deactivated by default and are only activated after the reader has accepted the cookies. Learn more about cookie management.

OpenEdition allows multimedia integration only from the following platforms for which cookie management is handled:

[*] For Gallica, unlike all other platforms, the iframe is not resized by Lodel. The paragraph width of the current layout is 480px. To choose 480px width, it happens in the Gallica sharing settings. As in the case of other platforms, you must remove the <div> tag that surrounds the <iframe> tag.

As for embedding codes containing tags, they are no longer allowed.

The list of authorized platforms may change. If the media cannot be hosted on one of the above mentioned platforms, please contact the Support & Training department at assistance[at]

Featured Image: Free-Photos de Pixabay. Pixabay License

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
ldlvl (December 20, 2021). Inserting multimedia files. OpenEdition Journals Support - Lodel 1. Retrieved September 10, 2024 from

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