Importing the facsimile of a journal issue

Technical specifications

  • Facsimile size: 30 MB maximum.
  • Facsimile format: PDF text format.
  • Resolution of each image in the facsimile: 150 dpi maximum.
  • Do not upload image PDFs.
  • Make sure to remove the cut lines and swallows

Procedure (video tutorial, 🇫🇷)
  1. Go to the edit > Browse tab.

2. Click on the “Issues” collection at the root of your site.

3. Edit the relevant issue.

4. The form for editing the issue opens.

5. In the block entitled “Appendices”, click on the “Files” drop-down menu and select “Facsimile”.

6. A new editing form opens.

  1. In the “Title” field, enter the title of the facsimile. Be sure to name the facsimile clearly and precisely: Facsimile of issue X | month year. This naming convention should be used for all issues of your journal.

8. In the “Definition” field, click on “Choose a file”.

9. Then browse your computer for the facsimile you want to add and select it. Then click on “Open”.

10. Finally, click on the “Finish” button at the bottom of the editing form.

Note: In case of an error, it is possible to overwrite the facsimile of the issue and replace it with another one.

Please note: if a facsimile is added after the issue has been published, it will not be automatically published. In the “Issues” collection, a paper clip will appear in gray. This means that the facsimile is not published.

To publish the facsimile, return to the issue’s editing form. In the “Appendices” block, under the previously added facsimile, click on publish.

Go back to the issue level: the paper clip is green, which indicates the facsimile is published.

Finally, go back to Edit at the issue level, then Save and View so that the facsimile showing is the one previously loaded, not the one auto-generated.

Featured image: Michael Gaida, Pixabay. Pixabay License

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
ldlvl (December 20, 2021). Importing the facsimile of a journal issue. OpenEdition Journals Support - Lodel 1. Retrieved September 10, 2024 from

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