Adding an issue cover
Video tutorial (🇫🇷)
Technical specifications
Front cover
- Cover resolution : 300 dpi ;
- Width: 1400 pixels minimum;
- Cover format: PNG or JPEG.
Image d’accroche (teaser image)
If the journal is merely electronic or does not have a cover that meets the above specifications (lower resolution), select “image d’accroche ” (“Teaser image”).
- Resolution and width less than 300 dpi or 1400 pixels wide
- Go to the Edit > Browse tab.
2. Click on the “Issues” collection at the root of your site.
3. Edit the relevant issue.
4. The form for editing the issue opens.
5. In the block entitled “Appendices”, click on the “Files” drop-down menu and select “Cover (first)” or “Image d’accroche” (“Teaser image”) depending on the resolution of your file.
6. A new form opens.
7. In the “Title” field, enter the title of the cover. Be sure to name the cover clearly and precisely: Cover of issue X | month year. This naming rule must be kept for all issues of your magazine.
8. In the “Definition” area, click on “Choose a file”.
9. Browse your computer for the cover you want to add and select it. Then click on “Open”.
10. Finally, click on the “Save and View” button at the bottom of the editing form.
Featured image : Jacqueline Macou de Pixabay. Pixabay License
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
ldlvl (December 20, 2021). Adding an issue cover. OpenEdition Journals Support - Lodel 1. Retrieved September 10, 2024 from