Attaching the facsimile of an article

Technical specifications

  • Facsimile: PDF text format.
  • 10 Mb maximum
  • Do not upload image PDFs.


1. Go to the Edition > Browse tab.

2. Click on the “Issues” collection at the root of your site.

3. Then, position yourself on the desired article and click on the “Edit” button.

4. An edit form opens. Scroll down the form to the PDF Facsimile area.

5. Then click on the “Parcourir” button.

6. A new window will open. Browse your computer for the PDF you want to add and select it. Then click on the “Open” button.

The name of the PDF will appear in the file selection area.

7. Finally, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the form to finalize the addition of the facsimile to the article.

Note: In case of an error, it is possible to overwrite the article facsimile and replace it with another one.

To do this, return to the article’s editing form. Scroll down the form to the PDF Facsimile area. Click on the “Delete” button.

Then click on the “Choose a file” button. A new window will open: select the facsimile you wish to add and click on the “Open” button.

Finally, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the window.

Featured Image: Esa Riutta de Pixabay (Pixabay licence)


OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Gwenn Dossmann (October 4, 2022). Attaching the facsimile of an article. OpenEdition Journals Support - Lodel 1. Retrieved September 10, 2024 from

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