How to give a title in another language to your issue
1. Go to the Edit > Browse tab.
2. Click on the Issues collection (Numéros) at the root of your site
3. Go to the issue you want to modify and click on the “Edit” button
4. Scroll down to the “Alternative title of the publication” menu and choose the relevant language.
5. A new field is available. Enter the title of the issue in the chosen language.
6. Finally, click on the “Save” button on the editing form.
7. Repeat the operation as many times as necessary.
Featured Image: Willi Heidelbach de Pixabay. Pixabay License
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Gwenn Dossmann (October 4, 2022). How to give a title in another language to your issue. OpenEdition Journals Support - Lodel 1. Retrieved September 10, 2024 from