Create an issue in Lodel

Add an issue to the “Issues” series (collection)

In the Edit tab, click on the “Numbers” series (collection) at the root of your site.

Pull down the “Publication” menu and select the “Issue Number” (numéro de revue) entry.

The title group (Groupe de titre)

An editing form opens. In the “Title group” block, indicate the title of your issue. Enter “Varia” if there is no thematic title.
Warning: never put the number or the name of the journal here.

It is also possible to indicate in this block a subtitle and/or a translated title. The procedure to add a title in another language is available here.

The addenda group (Groupe des addenda)

Fill in the introduction text of the issue (Introduction to the publication). This is usually the text on the back cover:

Use the “Publication Introduction” drop-down menu and choose the language.

In the text zone, write the presentation text of the issue.

Special feature: If your presentation is from Word, copy and paste it in the block that the icon below will open

If your presentation is copied from the internet, paste it into the block that the icon below will open:

The basic formatting options are available for this text area, as well as adding hyperlinks.

Repeat the operation to add a presentation text in another language.

The “Editor’s Note” (Note de la rédaction) field allows you to insert specific editorial information.

The field ” See on the editor’s site ” (Voir sur le site de l’éditeur) allows you to add the editor’s url. It is displayed on the site side by the clickable mention “Order this issue”. Any url entered must start with http://.

The metadata group

Mandatory metadata

✪ Title (titre)Only one title per document, without period, without line break, in lower case (italics and small caps accepted if needed)
Note: Enter Varia if there is no thematic title.
Never put the number or the name of the journal
Subtitle of the publication
(Sous-titre de la publication)
If any
Alternative title of publication
(Titre alternatif de publication)
If the title exists in another language. First choose the language via the drop-down menu.
✪ Date of paper publication
(Date de publication papier)
If the journal exists in paper version. For open access journals: The paper publication date DD/MM/YYYY corresponds to the publication date in the periodicity The electronic publication date DD/MM/YYYY will be the 01st day of the month (respecting the periodicity) prior to the day of the online publication. If the issue is under mobile barrier: paper publication date + barrier duration
Date of electronic publication (Date de publication électronique)The electronic date is the first date of electronic publication.
✪ Issue (Numéro)Mandatory in one digit
✪ Language (Langue)A single language to be chosen via the drop-down menu, corresponds to the language of the majority of the articles.
Director(s) of publication
(Directeur.s de publication)
Corresponds to the coordinators of the number. Click on “Add” for each coordinator and fill in only the first and last name
Is this publication open access?

(Cette publication est-elle en libre accès ?)
for issues under mobile barrier: do not check for issues in open access: check obligatory (allows the generation of detachable PDF and ePub formats)
Note: This box is not checked automatically when the number is in open access: you have to come back in the form to do it manually

Note: if your journal is part of the Cairn contract, please refer to this page for publication dates:


Not used at the number level.

Publication management

The check box “Is this publication to be published?” (Cette publication est-elle en libre accès ?) is used to upload summaries of issues before publication (filled in as an introduction to the publication in the “Addenda Group” block).

Distribution of electronic files

The “Is this publication open access?” box must be checked for all issues with full-text content available on the journal’s website.

It will generate the detachable ePub and PDF formats and position the issue in the “Full Text Issues” section of the site navigation bar.


  • Do not check this box if your issue is under mobile barrier. The detachable formats are not available and the issues are presented in the “Latest issues” section. When your magazine reaches the deadline of its mobile barrier, you will have to come back to the form to check it.
  • You must check this box if your journal is part of the OpenEdition Freemium for Journals program.

Finally, click on the “Save and View” button at the bottom of the form to finalize the addition of the issue. You can then add the front cover and facsimile of the issue.

Create an issue in Lodel – Video tutorial (🇫🇷, substitles available)

Featured image : Photo by Antonio Piña on Unsplash. Free to use under the Unsplash License

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
ldlvl (October 4, 2022). Create an issue in Lodel. OpenEdition Journals Support - Lodel 1. Retrieved September 10, 2024 from

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